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No Miracles Found Here

No Miracles Found Here. Nope. If it’s miracles you’re looking for, there’s nothing to see here folks. Move right along.  That’s weird way to open a Biblical libertarian web site. The reason you won’t find any miracles here is because miracles are arrogant. Let me explain what I mean.  In the Beginning (of science) “Falsification and

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No Rights Found Here

Rights OK, maybe literary license, or maybe just plain leading deceit. But I do promise you this in all seriousness: not nearly so many rights here as you might expect, and probably not the ones you would guess. In the end, evidentially and biblically, we will arrive at 2 absolute rights (evidence based, and not

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Rights 2

At the end of Post 2 I suggested that Post 3 would be a survey of my rights-oriented research, filling in a very few high points of rights thinking for the past 3,500 to 4,000 years in the Western traditions. In the interim, it occurred to me that I needed to interject this, the story

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Rights 3

With me in my 60’s and Covid-19 blowing on the breezes, I’m not going to allow a lot time for grass to grow between my toes. I could have roots growing through my corpse before I know it. So, I’ll be moving right along at expressing what I think in broadest, general, sub-academic terms. But I’ll

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Rights 4

Natural Law to Natural Rights; Aquinas, Hobbes, and Locke In generally accepted chronologies, the Natural Rights thinking of Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and John Locke (1632-1704) are frequently related back to the Natural Law development of Thomas Aquinas. (1225-1274). Even counting from the death of Aquinas to the birth of Hobbes allows a time lapse of

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Forward Map

At the close of the Post 5, Rights 4, I thought I would back up further in time to consider rights in Rome, and from there on back to Greece. Greece and Rome would have taken us back past New Testament times and solidly into Old Testament times. From there I planned to jump back

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Biblical Rights 1

Earlier, in Post 3, Rights 2, I shared the story of a Christian mentor suggesting the disparity between a biblical view on rights and the post-enlightenment, American view of rights I held at that point in life. I now look back on that combination of faith and rights as the period of my “American Civic

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Early Evolution of Rights Thinking

In the second post here at the website I offered an intuitive summary for the evolution of rights thinking. In that post I started with civilization already at the point of city states and the amalgamations of city states into kingdoms and empires. I started with politically oriented “rights to rule.”  It doesn’t require much

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Biblical Rights 2

At the point of Abraham (Hebrew society evolving relatively late within ancient civilizations of the Middle East), their society is patriarchal rule of a nomadic, herding, and (likely) caravan trading tribe. Most interrelations and many material property-rights have already been culturally worked out and long established as customary norms. They may not have been expressed

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Biblical Rights and Responsibility

For this post I want to start with a brief consideration of the Old Testament verses that do address the rights of the oppressed. These are the verses that most clearly indicate that God himself does sanction and support an idea of rights. Then, for a narrower “Christian” perspective, I want to consider rights related

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